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At the end of the Basic B.Sc. (N) Program, the graduate will be able to

  • Participate effectively as a member of the health team in the health care delivery system.
  • Provide total patient care using critical thinking and decision-making in all situations.
  • Demonstrate the higher values and ethics in education, health care, and research.
  • Practice nursing care based on nursing process and work as a team to enhance quality of life among patients and family members.
  • Understand the needs of the individual, families and the community through Primary Nursing.
  • Develop cognitive, affective, and psychomotor competencies essential for adapting to the Socio-cultural changes of today and tomorrow’s world.
  • Demonstrate understanding of cultural diversity, which affect health of individual and group.
  • Utilize the latest trends and technology in teaching, learning, and providing holistic health care.
  • Utilize evidence-based nursing practice in various settings to improve patient care.